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Media reports on Ju-Chun Ko, including news reports, interviews, speeches, and more.

War Room Launched 2023/12/28
Net marvels at world's smartest graduate. How strong is the at-large Blue's Ju-Chun Ko? Secrets of a blockchain legislator's at-large nomination: Turning Web3 with Hou Yu-ih?
Blue’s At-Large Showcase Their Strength! 'Dr. JC' Ju-Chun Ko and Chen Ching-Hui's First Press Conference
KMT recently announced the list of at-large candidates, among them, blockchain expert 'Dr. JC' Ju-Chun Ko was a highlight! His first press conference showcased his strength, criticizing the ruling DPP's failures while also supporting team leader Hou Yu-ih's policies.
A Highlight? Blue’s At-Large Stuns with 'World's Smartest Graduate'
KMT recently revealed their list of at-large legislators, in addition to former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu ranking first, there were many notable candidates, among them blockchain expert Ju-Chun Ko. He was the first Taiwanese graduate from Singularity University, co-founded by Google and NASA in Silicon Valley, USA, known as the world's smartest university, admitting only 80 to 100 elites annually, with faculty including famous film director James Cameron, and internet pioneer Vint Cerf.
The Development Trends of Artificial Intelligence and Cross-Disciplinary Technology Education, Interview with Dr. Ju-Chun Ko
AI and blockchain expert 'Dr. JC' Ju-Chun Ko, the first Taiwanese graduate from Singularity University co-founded by Google and NASA, dubbed as 'the world's smartest university', also runs the Podcast channel 'Dr. JC’s Friends Talk', now a KMT at-large legislative nominee.
Political Novice! Blue’s At-Large 3rd 'Dr. JC' Joins the Ranks
Today (1/8), the CEC held the first political party TV policy presentation meeting in election history. The KMT 2024 at-large legislator list featured many new faces, among them ranked at-large third, known as blockchain and AI expert 'Dr. JC' Ju-Chun Ko, is not only famous in the 'coin circle' but also joined the current Minister of Digital Development Audrey Tang in a podcast discussion on technology. In addition, ranked 15th, the female diplomat Wu Liang-Yi, was an important staff for Hou Yu-ih and Hou Ming-Feng's visits to the USA and Southeast Asia. The KMT actively recruits new political faces, aiming to attract support from centrist voters.
Interview/The National Assembly is like a blockchain of 113 nodes! 'Dr. JC' Ju-Chun Ko seeks consensus, hoping for a technological future
'Dr. JC' Ju-Chun Ko, from podcast host to venturing into the Legislative Yuan, believes AI could code, record podcasts or teach, he wants to do things AI hasn’t thought of doing, 'This is what we should challenge in our era'.
Technology Legislator 'Dr. JC', Virtual World Ferryman [Who's for Breakfast] 2024.02.06
Instantly became a fan of Dr. JC this episode! How could the KMT find someone who can explain complex expertise in simple, understandable language for the average person?
2024-01-25 ‘POP Citizens’ Zhang Yu-xuan Interviews Ju-Chun Ko Discussing 'New “Tech” Legislator “Dr. JC” Kickstarting Technological Reform from the National Assembly!'
New “Tech” Legislator “Dr. JC” Kickstarting Technological Reform from the National Assembly!
Dr. JC Ju-Chun Ko Strikes, Blockchain Expert Enters the Legislative Yuan|
In the new National Assembly, Ju-Chun Ko, ranked third among KMT at-large legislators, known as Dr. JC, not only researches AI but is also a blockchain expert, becoming the first 'blockchain legislator'. Calling himself a 'geek', Ju-Chun Ko is quite renowned in the virtual currency circle, now that he’s a legislator, how will he apply his expertise to supplement the regulations for Taiwan’s 'Island of Technology'? A new force in the National Assembly.
KMT At-Large Ju-Chun Ko, Blockchain Legislator Promotes 'Advanced Congress' | Public Television Taiwanese Channel | 20240130
Technology is always progressing, with AI and blockchain being hot topics in recent years. Today's New National Assembly special introduces the country's first 'blockchain legislator', Ju-Chun Ko, ranked third on the KMT at-large list, he is a part-time assistant professor at the National Taiwan University Information etc.; also runs a Podcast, broadcasting new technological developments, known as 'Dr. JC'. He says blockchain and virtual currencies in Taiwan are often associated with scams and bad practices, but emerging technology is a global trend. Entering the National Assembly in the future, he plans to use legislation to block the gaps that allow emerging technologies to be misused, combining Taiwan's talent advantage, leading Taiwan to another level.
The Development Trends of Artificial Intelligence and Cross-Disciplinary Technology Education, Interview with Dr. Ju-Chun Ko [email protected]
AI and blockchain expert 'Dr. JC' Ju-Chun Ko, the first Taiwanese graduate from Google and NASA co-founded 'world's smartest university' Singularity University, also runs the Podcast channel 'Dr. JC's Friends Talk', currently a KMT at-large legislative nominee.
Interview with 'Quasi-Legislator' Blockchain Expert Dr. JC! The Reasons Behind Taiwan's Lagging Technological Innovation, How We Can Win the Next 10 Years? ft. Dr. JC’s Friends Say @dr.juchunko
When I first entered the coin circle, there was almost no blockchain content in Chinese for ordinary people on the internet. At that time, 'Dr. JC’s Friends Say' was a must-listen Podcast for coin players. Many people have encountered Bitcoin, but those who have been continuously paying attention, optimistic, and even producing content for the public through bull and bear markets are few and far between. Dr. Ju-Chun Ko is a great senior all coin content creators should learn. It's truly an honor to have the opportunity to consult him about his journey and insights into the coin circle right before he takes his next step in expanding his influence. Otherwise, being so busy with his multiple jobs, he won't have time!
The Pop Science Challenge! Listen to Dr. JC’s Blunt Analysis on 'Blockchain', 'NFT', and 'Web 3.0' feat. Dr. Ju-Chun Ko | Tech Island Podcast
Through the trials and inspirations of Singularity University, Dr. JC returns to Taiwan to start the ‘Planting Flowers Path’, becoming a disseminator of knowledge, especially regarding the current hot keywords 'Blockchain', 'Web 3.0', 'Metaverse', 'NFT', Dr. JC has his observations and understandings. How should we embrace new technology and face the emerging digital era? Listen to Dr. JC's straightforward interpretation.
23.03.03【Financial Wake-up Call】Dr. Ju-Chun Ko Guides Through 'Metaverse' Analyzing the Future Aspect of the Next-Generation Internet
Host: Chen Feng-hsin Guest: Ju-Chun Ko, Part-time Assistant Professor, Taipei University College of Information Network and Multimedia Research Institute. Topic: 'Metaverse' by Tianxia Cultural Program Time: Monday to Friday 7:00-9:00 am Broadcast Date: 2023.03.03
【#Online Face-to-Face】Dr. JC is here! Not only Audrey Tang is a tech freak! Expertise in digital development! 20231228 @CtiTv @HotNewsTalk
#Face-to-Face #Online Face-to-Face Polls #Zhang Jie Fan #Fan Ge #Ju-Chun Ko #The power of supervision in Zhongtian #2024 Annihilate Dongchang #Dr. JC #AI #KMT #At-large #2024 #President #Legislator #Election #Zhongtian TV #Big News Explosive Gossip Host: Zhang Jie Fan Guest: KMT at-large legislative candidate Ju-Chun Ko
【Jason’s Great Chat】 Interview with 'Dr. JC’s Friends Say' Podcast Host Ju-Chun Ko | Podcast EP56 Highlights
Guest: 'Dr. JC’s Friends Say' Podcast Host, Associate Professor of Interactive Design, Taipei University of Technology, Ju-Chun Ko. This episode highlights: ☑️ You attended 'Singularity University' in 2014, please briefly introduce Singularity University and the moment you decided to crowdfund your tuition. ☑️ What was the most memorable gain during this program? And what opportunity led you to blockchain? ☑️ You regularly introduce blockchain knowledge on 'Dr. JC’s Friends Say' Podcast, what was the moment that made you decide to continuously release 'Dr. JC’s Friends Say' anniversary NFT last year? ☑️ From the 'Singularity University fundraising project to 'Dr. JC’s Friends Say' Podcast, what has been your motivation for sharing technological knowledge? ☑️ As a coin circle expert and university professor, what do you think about young people crazily buying NFTs? Any advice or caution for blockchain newbies? ☑️ Apart from blockchain applications like NFT, what other possibilities do you think the 'Metaverse' still holds?
Escalator: Walk on the Left Side #92 Ju-Chun Ko (JC) - From Liberal Arts to Doctor of Information, from NTU Assistant Professor to Legislator, Finding Your Life's Singular Point
Ju-Chun Ko (JC) is the most interdisciplinary person I have interviewed. From liberal arts to a science Ph.D., with backgrounds in both technology and design, from entrepreneurship in hardware to being a professor at NTU and soon to become a legislator! What kind of growing environment enables JC to cross so many fields? How does he think and make decisions? How does he disregard others' opinions? This episode delves into JC's fascinating life journey!
18.09.10【Chang Da-Chun Soaks in the News】JC Ju-Chun Ko on 'Linking Virtual and Real: The SELF Entertainment Ecosystem Plan'
Host: Chang Da-Chun Guest: Ju-Chun Ko, Professor of Interactive Design at Taipei Tech, Co-founder & Blockchain Technology Consultant of ELF Topic: Expert Knowledge - Linking Virtual and Real: The SELF Entertainment Ecosystem Plan
NFT Fever Continues! Bored Ape Sells Land, aMEI Gifts Unique Edition, 'JC' Ju-Chun Ko Decrypts|Mirror World Weekend Mixer #MirrorNews
NFT, Non-Fungible Token, has been the hottest financial term over the past year, with many becoming rich overnight thanks to NFTs. From celebrities to the general public, everyone wants a piece of the action. Now, from issuing to investing in NFTs, it's a prominent discipline. Some say the volume of NFT transactions is shrinking, moving towards a bubble, but the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), the kings of NFTs, recently sold 'Otherside' metaverse land, selling out in just a few days and grossing $300 million! Some claim NFTs are a Ponzi scheme, with 95% of NFTs eventually becoming digital waste. Yet, the 'Goddess Mei' Chang Hui Mei's 'aMEI ASMR World Tour' gives away NFTs for free, allowing 130,000 viewers to forever hold precious memories, truly priceless! How long can NFTs continue to thrive? 'Mirror World Weekend Mixer' invites 'JC' Ju-Chun Ko, Assistant Professor of Interactive Design at Taipei Tech, and host Huang Sheng Kai for an in-depth interview on the latest developments and challenges of NFTs. Every Sunday, we spend half an hour inviting entrepreneurs and experts to look at important financial issues from Taiwan to the world, impacting you and me. This week, let's focus on an important global political and economic issue: Has the NFT bubble burst?
CTV News》Taiwan's First 'JC' Admitted to America's Smartest University
The story of Taiwan's outstanding personality—nicknamed 'JC'—successfully admitted to one of America's top universities. Known for its rigorous admission standards and cultivating world-class leaders and scholars, JC's admission signifies his extraordinary level of academic and personal achievement. Explore JC's background, his academic journey, and how he overcame challenges to reach this remarkable milestone.
【Shen Media | News! Got Questions?】EP98 | 19 Days to Election! The AI Era is Coming! How Can the Taiwanese Connect with New Technologies? Dan Hou-Zhi Exclusive Interview with 'JC' Ju-Chun Ko
Shen Media | News! Got Questions?】EP98 | 19 Days to Election! The AI Era is Coming! How Can the Taiwanese Connect with New Technologies? Dan Hou-Zhi Exclusive Interview with 'JC' Ju-Chun Ko. The advent of the AI era brings a convenient life but also numerous concerns. Will new technologies replace a large number of human jobs? With political factions and various industries emphasizing the importance of AI, Taiwan could lose its competitive edge internationally if it misses this trend. With rampant scams in Taiwan, from the internet to phone scams, what can AI do for us? Though AI is the trend, is our legal system ready? Without a legal basis, could policies fail to be implemented? How will the integration of technology and traditional political brands create new sparks? Veteran media person Dan Hou-Zhi and AI/blockchain expert Ju-Chun Ko clarify.
2014 Business Weekly Innovation Night X JC/Ju-Chun Ko Future Learning: What to Learn for the Future?
'Technology is the power to liberate resources, the path to prosperity!' ~ Taiwan's first selected participant of the Singularity University, Ju-Chun Ko. What can you foresee about the future? What do NASA and Google's Academy of the Future teach, invisibility cloaks, glowing plants... What future have they envisioned? Ju-Chun enters wearing an invisibility cloak! The first optical camouflage suit that allows complete invisibility in front of the camera, also opening human imagination towards the future.
19.06.07【Financial Wake-Up Call】Doctor Ju-Chun Ko of Taipei Tech's Interactive Design on 'Future Map'
Host: Chen Feng-Hsin Guest: Ju-Chun Ko, Full-time Assistant Professor of Interactive Design at Taipei Tech Topic: Commonwealth Magazine's 'Future Map: A Correct Understanding and Necessary Actions for Work, Business, and Economy.' Program Time: Monday to Friday 07:00 am-09:00 am Broadcast Date: 2019.06.07
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